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Coming Events
Mar 24—State Hospital visit
Mar 26—Daffodils
Mar 29—Daffodils
Mar 27—End of Month meals
Apr—Holy Thursday Adoration
Apr 11—Major Degrees
Apr 14—Business meeting
June 8—Clergy Appreciation Dinner
Fri. Meals
Mar 19– Fish Fry
Mar 26 –Fish Fry
Apr 2—Fish Fry
Apr 9—To be determined
Knight of Month is Donn Lorton.Honored
The place for our meeting next month will be upstairs since we have a chance to rent the downstairs for the night. Plan to arrive by 7:00 and participate in the recital of the Rosary. Meeting will start about 7:30 PM.Meeting change
Due to the Spring Break, the Daffodil days will be March 26th and March 29th. The reason is there are many deliveries to the schools which would not be in session at the normal time. Please volunteer to deliver the daffodils and collect the money.Daffodils
We have 51 members who haven’t yet paid their yearly dues. Please include the $2.00 Culture of Life assessment from Supreme to your dues for a total of $38.00. Deadline for getting the Gibault Raffle tickets to me will be the end of this month so get them in as quickly as possible.Dues
Your next opportunity to help with this activity is March 27th from the Salvation Army kitchen.End of the Month Meals
March 24th, we will again be distributing hot dogs, playing cards with them, and entertaining the patients at the Madison State Hospital. We’ve been doing this for more than 25 years. If you wish to volunteer for this activity, call Paul Bird at 265-3056, he will be glad to help you by giving further details.State Hospital Visit
The fish fries for Lent have been spoken for.Fri. Meals
Once again, we will be taking the final hour of the Holy Thursday Adoration. Plan to arrive at 11:00 PM. Watch the bulletin for details.Holy Thursday Adoration
At the 8:00 Mass March 28th we will supply the Greeters for the Mass. We applaud Richard Williams, Paul Sommer, Charles Torline, John Kalb for volunteering for this service.Greeters
Pray for the return to health of; John Lee, Larry Wykoff, Jim McKenna, Rick Burress, Tom Woodburn, Mike Dattilo, Charly Peters, Jim Koehler, Dr. Stucker, and Sister Alice Marie. Please pray for the well-being of all those who are serving in the Armed Forces, and for our boys and girls in the Gibault Home.Pray
We will be doing this devotion during Lent. Watch the bulletin for details.Stations of the Cross
April 11, North Vernon will host the Major Degrees in the gym at the church. Tentative plans are for any candidates for 1st degree meet at the downstairs entrance of the council to organize a car pool to leave at 9:45. Major degree candidates will meet at 10:45 for an 11:00 departure. This is your chance for the 1st degree members to receive the advanced degrees.Major Degrees
June 8th there will be a dinner for our Clergy, priests and deacons, at North Vernon Parish Center. It is being organized by the Fr. Rivet 4th Degree Assembly. Our Prince Of Peace Assembly will be assisting with an honor guard.Clergy Appreciation
Trees and plants will soon be blooming, and many animals will shake off the cold and become active again. As the winter doldrums end, you’ll be ready to get outside with your family, too, and be part of this renewal.Spring is a time for renewal.
Field Agent
Rob Ernst
1045 Oak Dale Ln
West Harrison, IN 47060
Email - 513-200-5025
513-200-5025 (Cell)
812-637-0699 (Home)
Rob is our new Field Agent replacing Paul Goldsmith.
I want to meet with you to review your existing coverage. Based upon that review, and on the comprehensive needs analysis that I’ll perform, free of charge, we’ll be able to put a plan in place that will meet your needs, goals and budget.
General Agent
Chad Lueken Agency
142 W. Third St.
Jasper, IN. 47546
Ph. 812-481-9200
Toll-free Ph.—866-311-5632
Email —Chad.Lueken@KOFC.ORG
McGivney Prayer
Gibault School is an alternative for delinquent and pre-delinquent youths instead of the state-run schools for troubled boys and girls. The Indiana State Council owns the school and oversees the professional staff. This is our major charity for our state.
Please help us through your prayers and donations as we endeavor to build a Culture of Life.
Also, please consider donating a Knights of Columbus life insurance policy for the benefit of United in Charity, after your family’s insurance needs are met. Your Knights of Columbus insurance agent can supply you with a brochure and information on several different ways to provide such a gift.
Prince of Peace Parish is located in historic Madison, IN. Visit our parish website, then click on the organizations menu, and choose Knights of Columbus, you will be transported to our newsletter