HTML links


man sitting at computer





Don's Star Trek Universe on bravepages
ST Links
My STU on Geocities
Memorial to VVW
Freeservers Site
Ask the Photographer
K. of C. #934
K. of C. Links

     Saturn's Lair
Click on the Banner for Saturn's Lair
This contains several tutorials for the inexperienced html programmer.

     Macromedia Shock Rave games, toons, music and more. This is a Fun Site!

     annabella Annabella's HTML Help

     Designs By Rick Original Border Backgrounds

      Webular Wasteland Free Web Graphics To Download And Use!

     Andy's Art Attack! - Your One Stop Web Design Resource.
     Andy Art html page. bullets, etc.

      The Clip Art ConnectionClip Art Collection A collection of free clip art which we can use on our web pages

     Yahoo collection of free clipart

     Web Designer has tips/links on making home pages

     Angela Lilleystone's Guide to HTML has some links to graphics

     HTML Assistant Pro An HTML editor

     Composing good HTML Do's and Don'ts of writing good home pages.

     NCSA HTML A beginner's guide to HTML

     Eureka HTMLIB Library Discuss Board on HTML

      Javascript source

      Rose's Animated Gifs contains downloadable animations which you can put on your web site.

      Sausage Software HotDog editor, Reptile, Supertoolz for the web page editor

     Free Art by Laurie McCanna.

      D.J. Quad's Ultimate HTML Site. Contains a good tutorial on HTML coding.

     HTML Writer's Guild home page.

     CSE 3310 HTML Validator's HOME PAGE

     Homesite web site

     HTML Now!tutorial for learning HTML Cool site! Great tips!

Web Site Garage
Tune Up Your Web Site Free:

     The above is a cool site for checking your html pages. They perform a 7 point check and will rate the page in one of 4 categories and check for broken links, loading, spelling, etc.



Download Communicator Now!

     Send me email dwood HTML Writer's Guild HTML Writer's Guild Member

     This page was created using Homesite 4.5 HTML Editor Homesite 4Link to Homesite web site    6/15/03

Pages authored by Don Wood