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K. of C. #934
K. of C. Links

     Supreme Council official Web Site of our Supreme Council.

     Website of the Indiana State Council

     Gibault Home for boys is an alternative for delinquent and pre-delinquent boys instead of the Boys' School at Plainfield. The school also ministers to girls. The Indiana State Council owns the school and oversees the professional staff. This is our major charity for our state.

     The Northside Grand Knight's & Past Grand Knight's Club is a group of Grand Knights and Past Grand Knights in the Chicago Area who get together socially to discuss different ideas as well as to communicate and promote various activities from the State Council to individual member councils and assemblies.

     Gibault Home for boys is an alternative for delinquent and pre-delinquent boys instead of the Boys' School at Plainfield. The Indiana State Council owns the school and oversees the professional staff. This is our major charity for our state.

     St. Luke's Knights of Columbus page. This links contains links and information about all the councils and assemblies of Louisville, KY.

      E Mail Directory also contains other items such as a page on how to pray the rosary (this page is Slow loading, be warned), but has links to many councils that have websites, if no website, there may be a brother knight's email address listed. This is useful if you are traveling in an area and wish to have a brother knight give advice for your travels.

      Fourth Degree site

      St. Joseph's Council # 4215 A council in Levittown, PA

     K. of C. Notre Dame page Indiana college council, one of the pioneers of getting our councils on the WWW. Deserves a Look-See

      K. of C. email Directory links

     Roe v
WadeRoe V Wade    is an organization dedicated to the Pro Life Cause.

     Pro Life Info Organization is a listing of sites espousing Pro Life positions.

     Vicksburg Council # 898 list of councils

      Washington State Council
Springfield, MO. Council # 698 St. Anne's Council

     Council 11548 Meridian, Idaho

     K. of C. Council # 10422 is in District 28 in Indiana. It is a country parish Council situated 12 miles west of North Vernon. It's a new website at Council # 10422
     St. Joseph Catholic Church is located in the country west of North Vernon, IN. They are developing a very nice website telling of their church.

     Council #9255 Web pages Holy Family - Fr. Bulfon, a Canadian Council located in Dowsnville, ONT. near Toronto

     Council #1974 Web pagesArchbishop Molloy Council, Long Island, N.Y.

      Juneau, Alaska councils Bishop Segheir 1760 and Bishop Kenny 11757

     Council 2397, Burlington, KY.

      Parsippany Council #3680 located in New Jersey.

     Archbishop John L. May Council #11437, Richmond Heights, MO.

      A Squire's page Don Bosco Circle # 4258 located in Burnaby, B.C. Canada.

      St. Gabriel Gift & Book Nook A Catholic Book Store.

      Virtural Tour of old Jerusalem. You must see this, the photography is impressive!

     Mary's Site This is a new site dedicated to Mary and her devotions. It is a part of the University of Dayton.

      Council 3179 of E. Multnomah Valley, Gresham, Ore.

     I'm using some of these graphics from brother Cheney on my KC 934 Newsletter which is updated monthly!

Daughters of Isabella

     Daughters of Isabella It is our HQ and International Circle in Connecticut. It has lots of info on our order and how the Knights of Columbus started us off...... to this our 100th year.

     Circles You can see the list of states and how many circles there are around the USA and Canada. Click on Sister State Regents - U.S.A. to see the list.


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