Windows 95 help

Links to software downloads



Don's Star Trek Universe on
ST Links
ST rings
My STU on Geocities
Memorial to VVW
Freeservers Site
Ask the Photographer
K. of C. #934
K. of C. Links

      The Free Site!

     Neat Net Tricks is a newsletter which details more than 8 + shortcuts, etc. per letter to make your computing easier.

     Randy's Windows 95 Randy's Windows 95 page

      Frank Condron's Windows 95/NT Page Windows 95/NT links and help

     PowwowPowwow An easy to use chat program.

     Father of Shareware Sharewarelinks

     Windows 95 folder Windows 95 folder Rt. 66

     Windows 95 Annoyances Windows 95, not completely negative, a lot of tips on configuring and using, what else, Win 95

      Xiaomu's Internet apps Xiaomu's Internet Applications replaces Visit Now! Internet Headquarters, not the Microsoft page

     Cyberian Outpost A commercial computer company home page

     Microsoft Official Web Site of Microsoft

     Jumbo This site advertises itself as the largest Shareware Collection links.

     Mapquest Interactive Atlas Welcome Join it, it's free! Then use this site to help in your planning of long-distance car trips. I used it to find the fastest way to Lincolnton, GA. I had been going through Atlanta, logging over 650 miles, the route they gave me made the trip only 515 miles. After you join, be sure to bookmark your page so that you don't have to rejoin each time you use it.

     Syntax Error home page (Netscape enhanced) Lots of nice tips on Windows 95>

     Sven Sajet's page A Swedish Windows 95 page

      Microsoft's bug fixes for Windows 95 You must visit this page!

     Internet Magazine What's New on the WWW This is a link to Internet Magazine electronic magazine searching either global edition or UK edition

     We're in the Yellow Pages This site is in the World Wide Web Yellow Pages

     World VillageWorld Village is a website of many different pages ranging from software reviews, downloads of many kinds, on-line gaming, kids section, chat rooms, etc. Try this site, you'll like it.

      BMG Interactive Australia A cool site in Australia dealing in software, etc.

Search Engines

     Metasearch information engine multiple search engines.

PowerSearch the Web:


Use the above engine by typing in your query.

     Metacrawler has links to multiple search engines, enter your request once, it is sent to many search engines. Then the results are displayed are the page irregardless of the source.

     Dogpile search engine This is a search engine similar to Metacrawler but even neater as it accesses more than 20 different searches. You can limit the length of time before it displays the results. Then if you don't find anything you want you can request the remainder of the search engines which are slower to display.

     Ixquick is a metasearch engine that was given the highest ratings by both Search Engine Watch and ZDNet's SearchIQ.



     So You think you might have a virus. Do you know that if you install an anti-virus program it will accept everything on your Hard Drive as being clean even though there are virii hidden ready to bomb you later. Housecall will operate on your disk through the net. Click on logo, then click on the Housecall logo at the bottom right of the screen. Follow the instructions as to installation of the preliminary program. After a time, it will give you a report as to the condition of the drives it has scanned. If it finds viruses, you can have them automatically eliminated.

     NewbiesAn introduction to shareware downloading, reviews, viruses, helper apps to make your surfing easier.

     Virus Myths explained. Viruses can be scary unless you know about them. This site brings to light the truth about some of the virus hoaxes which are spread by word of mouth on the WWW.

     CIAC Internet Hoaxes from the US Dept. of Energy. Similar to the site directly above, in fact, it has a link to that site.

     NH and A Anti-Virus Page learn more about viruses and ways to combat them here.

     Virus Humor You will get a chuckle out of this site.

      CIAC Internet Hoaxes

     Chain Letters

     Computer Virus Myths

     Don't Spread That Hoax

     EFF Hoaxes Archive

     April Fools on the Net

     National Fraud Information Center



     Madison, IN. Home Page authored by Ron Marriage


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     You can reach me by e-mail at:



Pages authored by Don Wood