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     This is one of the sights of my hometown in Madison, IN. The fountain was first shown as part of the world's fair in the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition. It is one of 4 and was dedicated to the city in 1886 through the generosity of the 4 International Order of Odd Fellows organizationslocated in the area. The others are located in Savannah, GA; Cuzco, Peru; and Poughkeepsie, NY. The fountain was first refurbished in 1950 and again in 1980 and was supposed to enable us to enjoy it for many more years. Unfortunately, we must again refurbish it so it remains to be seen whether the citizens will once again save the fountain.

Don's pages

     Ask the photographer questions. A professional photographer with 26 years of experience will answer your questions either by email or by posting the answer on the website. Look first at the question page, click on the link to go to the answer page.

     Photography links to film and camera companies.

     Planning a wedding? Perhaps you should check this page out. It contains tips to aid in your planning of the big event.

     Need information on lighting? For professional or advanced amateurs.

Computer assistance

     Windows 95 help tutorials, assistance, downloads, etc.

     Learning HTML Here is a page with links to tutorials on html writing and links to free graphics.

     Links to electronic magazines.

     W. M. Snyder is a famous artist of the late 1800's-early 1900's age. He was based in Madison, Indiana and is best known for his scenic paintings. My late father authored a book on his life and painting. Excerpts are placed here.

     Knights of Columbus, Council # 934 Newsletter

     Links to other councils and assemblies of the Knights of Columbus.

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Pages authored by Don Wood